Wednesday, April 29, 2009

再見四月 Good Bye April 2009.. , My mini-garden Toronto Apr 29 2009

As I leave April in 2009, I am thinking a connectivity. Cognitive psychology insists that the information, knowledge, empirical information etc are stored as weighted patterns of connectivity over the set of neurons in our brains. They define human experts as having more than 10s of thousands collective patterns in specific knowledge domain. So the real thing is the connectivity itself rather the things stored in individual neuron. Intriguing..
Connectivity among people comprises and reveals lots of things and sometimes it gives more insight to each people connected than the things when one ponders oneself alone as a detached entity.
Just like our brain structure, we create connections with people and strengthen the level of connectivity as we share more or we are losing connections by oblivion or we try to disconnect in many cases by intention. Sometimes we even substitute one with another of similar pattern.. as I've been experiencing..
I see a certain connection is so strong and emotionally appealing that it shakes every other similar patterns of conductivities which are already residing and virtually reshuffles the state by creating another set of stabilized patterns in which I like to call a paradigm shift on an individual level..

Waltz of the Flowers

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