Sunday, January 31, 2010

Waiting for Spring.. as well as Godot.. :p, York Mills Toronto Spring 2008

no real snow yet this winter..
no fun..
couple of days of brutal temperature of -17..

couple of more months for Spring to come.. still..

Enya : I Dreamt I dwelt in Marble Halls

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Puff of Snow..:-) , Broadview Ave. Toronto Jan 28 2010

thanks mother nature
for teasing us with such beautiful snow flakes
in the middle of daytime.. !

there was a sudden snowstorm..
and lasted less than a minute.

Then sunshine.. :-)
followed by another shot of couple of minutes snowstorm..
sunshine again.. :-)

it was a wow.. awesome!!

Vivaldi: Winter 2: Accentus Chamber Choir

Vivaldi: Winter: Imusici.. 1988

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Joyful People in the Nick.. :-) ,'Old Nick' Danforth St. Toronto Jan 27 2010

just try to open your heart
over the couple of beers
with the hilarious bartenders
sharing lots of good experience in life,
trying tasteful recommendation for your tongue and stomach
and bursting into a series of laugh over their good humors.. :-)))

You Are My Sunshine: Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan

Monday, January 18, 2010

Midnight Drive Up to York University, New Market Ontario Jan 17 2010

Lucrece, my daughter, was back from Boston
where she visited Havard University with the students of Business Mgmt Dept in York Univ.
The tour bus ran more than 12 hours from the city to arrive in here
and I needed to pick her up in the middle of the huge campus of York Univ..

She was the only high school student who joined the trip to Boston. No idea how dare she is.. :-)